Month: March 2017


Hey everyone, You can find the donate button in the menu 🙂 It is with great anxiety I announce a new feature that has just gone live that tracks paypal donations and automatically triggers realm events based on rolling thresholds. These are standard realm events that benefit everyone, and at the moment there are only[…]

Small development break

Hey everyone, Those of you who follow the project closely may be aware my living circumstances have been… sub-optimal since the start of this project, and as a result developing the game has been to put it mildly… somewhat challenging. Well, I am working hard to resolve this and a lot of my time and effort[…]

Patch 0.3.98

Hello everyone, This update fixes some issues surrounding the PVP implementation and makes more areas PVP enabled to make things a bit more interesting. Fix for targeting while moving Fix for not being able to target attack a player if you already have another target PVP attack is now double tap instead of long-press Long press[…]

PVP Released

Hey everyone, So for those of you who haven’t been in game for a while the server has now been successfully migrated and Mirage now has high score lists for all skills as well as a bank for you to store your items and transfer them between characters 🙂 But that was last weekend, and[…]

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