Month: April 2019

Version 0.4.24 released!

Hiya, me again! This is a content, balance, and bug fix patch to address the immediate fallout of the enchanting system going live yesterday. I am planning at least 1 content expansion update to go live this week to expand areas such as ice slimes which are at the moment very popular and in need[…]

Version 0.4.23 released!

Bit of a surprise update this one, A while back (over a year ago) I put a lot of time and energy into writing an enchanting system that would allow monsters and players to have resistances and strengths to certain elements. The elements made it into the game but the enchanting system did not… that[…]

Version 0.4.21 released!

Happy weekend everyone 🙂 This is the final update of the month and I ran out of reported bugs to fix (wohoo!) so I took a few hours to sort out something that has annoyed me ever since it was put into the game… the Shop and Bank interfaces. Shop and Bank UI rewritten so[…]

Version 0.4.19 released!

Me again, This is the final planned bug-fix sweep of the month, tidying up some more bits and pieces that I have been made aware of over the last few days. I am looking into making some changes to the developer tools that will help me better balance and manage monsters and their exp /[…]

Version 0.4.18 released!

Hello everyone, This is a mid-week update to address some new issues caused by the client-side network changes that went live earlier in the week, as well as some old bugs that are long since due some attention. The list is much longer than the ones fixed tonight, and I am hoping to do at[…]

Version 0.4.17 released!

This release brings a massive change to the Client and how it works under the hood. Following on from the server-side rewrites from earlier this year it is now significantly easier for me to add new stuff to the game, so this will start paying dividends immediately with the party system I am set to[…]

Client testers needed!

Hey everyone, I have finally finished refactoring the client to use the new networking stack (the same stuff the server uses) and I am delighted to be in a position to ask you guys to test it out for me! This has been a very big piece of work, and it makes it much easier[…]

Regarding my health

Hello everyone, For over a month now I have been suffering from a constant headache that has totally consumed my life, I’ve had time off of work, lots of tests done and spent a lot of time at home being very unproductive. The root cause of this is still unknown and my diagnosis continues, but[…]

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