Month: June 2019

Version 0.4.33 released!

Hello everyone, Now the combat and skull systems are working it was pretty easy for me to add an arena to the game. It is accessible via the bridge east of town to everyone over level 15. The arena has a few rules: PVP skull system rules apply Skills do not advance in the arena[…]

Combat system rewrite

Hi everyone! Something that has been a major problem in a number of different ways over time has been the combat system. There are a few key things that have been on my mind for a long time here: Players being able to block areas by targeting a monster that they can’t hit, flagging them[…]

Bug tracker and v0.4.32 released

Hello everyone, The focus at the moment is really on server-side stability, performance, and engine architecture. As such, it occurred to me we didn’t have an official bug tracker where you can see what bugs I am aware of and their current status. You can find a link at the top of the website! Also,[…]

Mid-week patch

Small update to address a few bugs and make some quality of life tweaks. Nothing major I’m afraid, but I felt this was necessary as there were a couple of nasty live bugs and I’ve been doing a lot of code restructuring on the server so wanted to get this out to make sure I[…]

Engine Optimization

Hello everyone, It’s been a little while since the last update – I had quite a lot going on in real life and also I think I needed a little bit of a break from the project so I figured things would be alright for a little while until the gofundme neared the end of[…]

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