Month: April 2020

Version 0.5.25 Released!

Hello everyone, Before I post the content of the update, please be aware I accidentally released a broken apk onto the PlayStore first (v0.5.24), you will have to update twice in order to connect. Sorry about that, my bad! This is a bug fix, quality of life and low to mid level content balance update.[…]

Version 0.5.23 released!

Hi everyone, this release sees the new rewritten text and HP bar systems go into the game. Text and name readability should be massively improved on both PC and Android 🙂 Added fullscreen support to the client (F11 to toggle) Added screenshot support to the client (F12 for a screenshot) Starter shield given 10% block[…]

Nameplates and on-screen text

Hello everyone, I have been working quite hard and actually struggling quite a lot with what should be a simple task – making names, health bars, and chat draw nicely off-set from sprites and consistently scaled in the game world. While it seems this should be easy, there are a number of things that have[…]

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