Month: October 2020

Server online

Hiya, I have used my lunch break wisely and the server is now back online with some rudimentary protection against these attacks. A heavier solution will be implemented in the near future, sorry for the inconvenience. Liam

Database rollback

Unfortunately despite my best efforts the attemps to roll things back while also retaining progress made in the second half of yesterday have failed. As a result the game server has been rolled back to before the patch that wiped out all of the alt accounts went live. All scrolls purchased since Tuesday have been[…]


Hello everyone, Today brings a server-side patch that will free up around 150k playernames, so if you were waiting for an old unused name to be free now would be the time to check 🙂 Automatic Account Deletion Accounts with no email address assigned Permabanned accounts (after 30 days) Soft-deleted characters It is worth noting[…]


Hello everyone, Today at 17:20 GMT the following hotfixes were deployed: Fix for a rare issue resulting in a server game logic crash (as seen a few days ago) Added the ability to force persist all player data regardless of it’s current state These should ensure the recent server crash doesn’t happen again, and going[…]

A note on the immediate future

Hello everyone, It’s been a while since the last post and update. Now for some good news! As of January 2021 I will be working full time on Mirage which should be great for everyone 🙂 It’s happening a lot later than originally planned due to the pandemic and all that but it is happening[…]

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