Month: August 2022

0.6.54 Hotfixes

Good morning 🙂 Several portals at the gates of the Realm of Loss no longer lead to safe zones Logging in to a supporter zone after your supporter status has expired will teleport you home Fhox

Version 0.6.54 Released!

Hiho everyone, Some small tweaks to the Arena here: Performance improvements for ancient devices Layout changed to provide more options for tactical gameplay New spectator platforms added The following are no longer consumed on use in the Arena: Runes Health Potions Arrows The following are still consumed on use in the Arena: Food Mana Potions[…]

Version 0.6.53 Released!

Hey everyone, I’ve watched the Arena this morning and seen a bunch of easy things to improve so.. here they are. The platform foundation rock no longer blocks line of sight Small walls no longer block line of sight Several portals that take you to other areas of the Arena Tall wall sections added to[…]

Version 0.6.52 Released!

Hello everyone… So it turns out all of the old Arena code no longer existed so I had a bit more work bodging this into live than I expected, but hey we got there in the end. I did want to make it so going through the team portals set your outfit colour automatically, but[…]

Hotfixes v0.6.51

Hiho The following mobs now have a beam: Orc Warrior Berzerker The following mobs now have a large aoe: Orc Orc Warrior Orc Worker Zen monsters will stop mass healing if they realise they are being used to train with Fhox

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