
Version 0.8.14 Released!

Hi all, This issue addresses an edge case that could result in Realm Store purchases not being consumed if connection to the Google Play Store was lost at the same moment a Purchase Successful event was reported. I was not intending to release any further updates this January, but this was a critical Realm Store[…]

Balance tweaks hotfix

Hi all, I have been playing a lot lately in an effort to try and make sure I know what the current game is vs what I think it is in my head. As a result of this, I noticed some emergent behaviour that was resulting in players pulling enormous amounts of mobs at high[…]

Version 0.8.13

Hello everyone 🙂 This is the last planned set of code tweaks to live this January, with the intent for my focus to shift back to working on the PTR now while Mombi continues his rampage updating the graphics. We have new server hardware in the post to replace Mog (the live game server) in[…]

Hotfixes: Server Instability

Hi all, Just an update regarding the recent server instability. While we have had one instance of a full hardware crash and new server has been ordered to address this issue, I have actually narrowed down the cause of the more recent and frequent issues to a Java implementation issue on the back-end. For those[…]

Version 0.8.12 (f)

Hi all, The feedback and response to the previous patch has been amazing, Mombi has been waiting a long time to start overhauling much of the graphics but has been sat on his hands waiting for me as the engine required upgrades to support the new dynamic sprite sizes and extra animation frames. Continuing on[…]

Version 0.8.12 (c) Released!

Hey everyone, This patch version adds physical keyboard support to Android devices. This means bluetooth keyboards, chromebook keyboards, etc. This is not a thorough and considered implementation, but it should allow you to play much more effectively with a keyboard (and optionally, a mouse) on any android device. Fhox

Version 0.8.12 (b) Released!

Hi all, This version is a complete rewrite of the Realm Store and its integration with the Google Play Store on Android devices. A good 75% of our Support Helpdesk tickets were issues with players not receiving purchases and I was frequently having to provide refunds (sometimes many per day), after lengthy investigation it turns[…]

Patch v0.8.11 (a) Released

Hello all, This patch is a bunch of experimental changes around handling delayed purchases. We have identified the primary cause for scroll purchases not being delivered is due to delays in the payment process (worst offender is PIX) so I am taking steps to try and work around this issue as it is the most[…]

Christmas 2024 (v0.8.11)

Hello all, All accounts that login over the Christmas period (24th of December to the 1st of January server time – see the servertime with the /servertime command ingame) will automatically receive supporter status for the remainder of that period (a maximum of 9 days). All accounts that are already supporters that login over this[…]

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