Hi everyone,
If you missed it, you can catch the last sprint review over on twitch here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1476790076. During that stream I discussed the hidden cost of MongoDB Atlas – the “Data Transfer Fee”. Well, the PTR has been mostly empty (due to there being no… you know, features…) yet the data transfer fee just keeps adding up! On top of this, due to the lack of live updates that have landed recently the game is in err… how would I describe it… financial freefall?
It’s fine, I expected this and budgeted for the next 6 months being… turbulent as me and my sledge hammer get to work on the foundations of the game. With that said, as money is an obstacle I am modifying the scope of the sprint to include:
- Figure out, install and deploy MongoDB Server on Harvey (This second server was such a good investment)
- Rewrite how character IDs are generated as we can no longer rely on triggers which are a feature of MongoDB Atlas
I am still keeping everything else in the Sprint and turning it into a bit more of a crunch than it already was. Who needs things like exercise or free time anyway 😀
See you in-game!