PTR Build 24

Hello, another day another build 🙂 Today’s changes have been mainly focusing on further refining how pushes work and further improving NPC behaviour and interaction, specifically around combat interactions with other NPCs and what happens when a friendly NPC finds itself no longer in combat.

  • Pushes now prefer to push creatures away from the creature performing the push, and only fall back on swapping places should all other surrounding tiles not qualify.
  • Factional alignments defined explicitly, Monsters will now fight Ruhin & Emberton NPCs.
  • NPCs in the Nexus flagged as passive and immovable.
  • Fix for direction changes being re-broadcast back to the player.
  • NPCs now track hits taken from other NPCs
  • NPCs now correctly retarget when chasing a creature that is too far to reach.
  • Ruhin will return to the pub should he be lured away by combative monster interaction.
  • Passive NPCs return to spawn and heal to full should they become involved in combat.
  • Heal effects shown on NPCs that are returned to full health.
  • Pushes now happen on the same server frame they are processed, preventing a situation where a creature gets pushed onto a tile that has become occupied by another NPC in the interim frame.


PTR Build 24
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