Improved tablet support

Hello everyone,

As everyone should already know calling the next update a big one is a bit of an understatement, and as the community has gotten used to the idea its taking a while its given me some time to make some improvements I’ve been meaning to address for a long time. With the next update devices 7 inches or larger will have a completely re-scaled UI and be able to see more of the world. In order to demonstrate how much extra space this gives you I’m going to post a bunch of screenshots in succession of the new client on my tablet vs my phone so you can appreciate why this is awesome news.

This is the game on your tablet

And this is the game on your phone

Phenomenal cosmic power!

Itty bitty living space

It of course works in both orientations

I sorta feel sorry for my phone at this point

This screen makes it extremely obvious


So as you can hopefully see this makes a huge difference on tablets, there’s now a legitimate reason to pick up your tablet instead of your phone next time you are chilling on the sofa and fancy tapping some slimes to death. About fricken’ time amirite?

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Improved tablet support
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