Version 0.4.21 released!

Happy weekend everyone 🙂

This is the final update of the month and I ran out of reported bugs to fix (wohoo!) so I took a few hours to sort out something that has annoyed me ever since it was put into the game… the Shop and Bank interfaces.

Tabs glorious tabs
  • Shop and Bank UI rewritten so you can understand it without max IQ
  • Hotkey buttons rewritten, they really should not be able to lock up now!
  • Training weapons do less damage to monsters than players
  • Fix for client crash when deleting a character
  • Fix for /WHO command behaving strangely
  • Fix for NPCs not listening to their spawn direction
  • A message is shown in map chat when a player is killed
  • Events show the correct message when ending

I hope you like the new tabs and find that your hotkeys behave themselves from now on. As always, if you find any more bugs please post them on the discord in the #bugs_glitches channel and I will take a look. Cheers,


Version 0.4.21 released!
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