Hi everyone, this release sees the new rewritten text and HP bar systems go into the game. Text and name readability should be massively improved on both PC and Android 🙂
- Added fullscreen support to the client (F11 to toggle)
- Added screenshot support to the client (F12 for a screenshot)
- Starter shield given 10% block
- Statless items sell for 10 copper
- Low level monster item drop rates upped
- High level material drop rates reduced on low level monsters
- Imps zone reworked and expanded
- Complete rewrite of on-screen text system
- Player names are now the colour of their vocation by default
- Chat messages now wrap
- Player and monster names are a constant offset over their heads
- Damage text is a fixed offset
- Complete rewrite of how HP bars are rendered
- They are now rendered against the native resolution
- Always a fixed offset over creatures heads
- Should be way sharper
- Preferences screen rewritten with new options
- Fix for randomly facing a different direction
- Fix for several level gates being incorrectly set
- Fix for edge case resulting in connection hang on login
I have spent some time on the preferences screen while I was reworking a bunch of stuff in there anyway. It feels a bit friendlier now, and most of you will be going there as a result of the text and HP bar changes to play around anyway so it seemed like a good time.
See you in game!
Version 0.5.23 released!